🇬🇧 Billhook and Hedge

Hedgerow, Devon. Photo: Robert Wolton, Devon Hedge Group.
Hedgerow with ash, Devon. Photo: Robert Wolton, Devon Hedge Group.
My aunt’s billhook.
Laying the hedge. Photo: Robert Wolton, Devon Hedge Group.
Urban hedge, recently maintained, Richmond, London, 2023. Photo: Jacob Gammelgaard.
Hedgerow in March, with allotment in the foreground, Mistley, Suffolk. Photo: Jacob Gammelgaard.

With gratitude to Tom Hynes and Robert Wolton from the Devon Hedge Group who kindly made available three of the photos above. Their website, http://www.devonhedges.org, is a rich and loving fount of knowledge about hedges and the ancient craft of laying and tending them. The photos (and hopefully the poem), show just what a hedgerow can do: for wildlife, for landscapes and for human quality of life.

*) Stevns is a county south of Copenhagen.

Verses 113-139 in the Danish version The Blog of Ten Thousand Things.

New things in Index Ten Thousand: Ant • 135, Billhook • 120, Crab apple • 129, Ditch • 118, Edge of blade • 126, Fauna haven • 133, Farmland • 117, Field: right-angled • 119, Generation: homo s. • 138, Hawthorn • 128, Hazel • 132, Hedge • 113, Hill • 113, Hook • 125, Knowledge: farming • 123, Larvae • 134, Lawn • 139, Living hedge • 127, Learn • 124, Mason bee • 135, Parents: homo s. • 115, Peasant • 137, Pollen • 114, Remembrance: the land • 116, Rootshoot • 131, Seed • 129 , Shed • 121, Sloe • 128, Sparrow • 134, Whetstone • 136, Willow • 130.